Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is being aware and accepting feelings in ourselves and others, instead of denying them or being inauthentic. As an emotionally well person, one is able to express and manage feelings effectively. Emotional wellness helps us remain self-aware and self-accepting while remaining flexible and continually open to personal development and the perspectives of others. It constitutes a continuing process of growth and change.

Understanding emotions: Understanding your own emotions is the first step in managing them. It's important to identify and label your emotions in order to understand and manage them effectively.

Coping mechanisms: Developing healthy ways of being and coping with challenges can help to improve and maintain emotional wellness. Examples of helpful activities are journaling, exercise, deep breathing, and mindfulness.

Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, and be supportive of others. This includes understanding the emotions of others, empathy and being able to communicate effectively.

Managing relationships: Managing and maintaining healthy relationships with friends, family and other trusted individuals promotes emotional wellness. This includes being able to clearly express your perspectives, being a good listener, being able to compromise, and setting healthy boundaries.

Last modified: Thursday, February 23, 2023, 8:47 PM