Neurodiversity Bias

Neurodiversity bias is closely linked to disability bias. This type of bias in peer-to-peer mentoring refers to the tendency to view certain neurocognitive variations or conditions as bad or wrong and to prioritize the perspectives and needs of those who are not in the disability community. This can lead to a lack of understanding and appreciation for the unique strengths and experiences of neurodiverse people and/or their families, and to a lack of support or accommodations tailored to their needs. For example, a peer supporter might assume that a person receiving support with autism cannot form meaningful relationships or a recipient with ADHD is not focused enough to achieve their goals. Recognizing and actively working to overcome neurodiversity bias in mentoring can lead to more inclusive and equitable peer relationships and help people receiving support benefit from this process.

Neurodiversity bias

Last modified: Sunday, 5 March 2023, 7:55 PM