Applying Peer Support Competencies: Practical Techniques

Now that you have a basic understanding of the principles of effective peer support, it's important to learn how to apply those principles in practice. Here are some practical tips and techniques for demonstrating peer support:

Peer Support Competencies 
Practical Techniques 

Interpersonal Relations 

Make an effort to build trust and establish a positive and supportive relationship with the peer. Actively listen to their needs and concerns and be responsive to their feedback.


Match your demeanour to someone else by paying attention to their body language, tone of voice, and overall energy. Reflect back to them the same level of energy and similar body language. Speak in a similar tone of voice and pace. Try to match their level of formality or informality.


Be clear and effective in your communication with the peer. Actively listen to their perspectives and provide feedback in a way that is easy for them to understand.

Critical Thinking 

Help the peer to evaluate information, consider multiple perspectives, and make well-informed decisions. Encourage them to think critically about their own experiences and the challenges they face.


Help the peer to see possibilities and opportunities and build resilience by encouraging them to focus on their strengths and successes.

Self-Management & Resiliency 

Share strategies for managing emotions and stress and help the peer to set boundaries in order to maintain their own well-being.

Flexibility & Adaptability 

Encourage the peer to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to navigate change with resilience.

Self-Awareness & Confidence 

Help the peer to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and to use that self-awareness to move forward.

Initiative & Commitment 

Encourage the peer to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to navigate change with resilience.


Help the peer to collaborate, communicate, and negotiate effectively with others.

Continuous Learning & Development 

Share information about new developments in the field and encourage the peer to seek out new learning opportunities.


Last modified: Monday, February 6, 2023, 9:29 PM